6 Ways to Survive January on a Student Budget | Top Universities

6 Ways to Survive January on a Student Budget

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Sabrina Collier

Updated Sep 19, 2017



6 Ways to Survive January on a Student Budget main image

Christmas is over (sad face), and you’ve been dreading the thought of checking your bank balance following the fun and indulgence of the festive period. If your student budget is feeling particularly stressed this month, don’t panic! Try our tips below to stay financially viable through the month.

1. Shop your stash

Shop your stash

Time to stop shopping IRL, and start raiding your own stash! Whether you’re addicted to buying games, beauty products, clothes, shoes, sports gear, music, books, or anything else – now is the time to cut down on the spending and instead rediscover old favorites and hidden gems you’d forgotten about. It will be (almost!) like shopping, but without the damage to your student budget. If you find stuff you no longer want, it’s also a good opportunity to have a clear out, and donate or sell unwanted items.

2. Cancel unused subscriptions

Cancel subscriptions

Are you paying for a subscription every month that you no longer need or use? Now’s the time to cancel it! Ask yourself if you really need that gym membership – even if your New Year’s resolution was to keep fit, are you actually getting your money’s worth on the membership fee?

3. Cut down on takeaways

Cut down on takeaways

You might be doing this already as a January detox, but cutting down on takeaways will also be healthier for your finances. Do your food shopping towards the end of the day for a better chance of getting reduced-price items, and NEVER enter the supermarket when hungry! If you want to treat yourself following the dreaded January exams, remember to look up special offers and discounts – you can get a range of student discounts in the UK, for example.

4. Consider getting a student job

Student job

If you don’t have one already, finding a part-time student job is a great way to top up your student budget while simultaneously gaining work experience to add to your CV. If you’ve got exams, leave the job hunting until afterwards, and make sure your working hours don’t detract from your studies or ability to enjoy university life.

5. Keep track of your spending habits

Keep track of your spending habits

Yes, this tip does involve the dreaded task of checking your bank statement, or downloading an app to keep a regular tab on your outgoings. If you can identify where you’re habitually spending money, you can start making simple changes, such as taking your own coffee to lectures in a reusable mug rather than getting an expensive takeout. You’ll be surprised how much these small changes add up!

6. Find affordable ways to socialize


Just because you’re a bit broke after Christmas doesn’t mean you have to become a recluse in January! Chances are that your fellow students are feeling the pinch as well, so organize cheap activities such as movie or games nights, and take advantage of free events at your university students’ union. This is also the perfect time to make the most of affordable things to do in your city – for example in London there are a variety of things you can do for £10 (~US$12) or less!

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