7 Instagram Images that Capture the Study Abroad Experience | Top Universities

7 Instagram Images that Capture the Study Abroad Experience

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Joseph Birdsey

Updated Jul 16, 2015



7 Instagram Images that Capture the Study Abroad Experience main image

Are you looking to study abroad? Or have you already returned from your study abroad adventure, and can’t wait to get back on an airplane to explore some more? They say a picture tells a thousand words, so here are seven beautiful images from Instagram that celebrate the exciting, beautiful, memorable rollercoaster ride that is studying abroad!

1. @meiwah_choi

All study abroadadventures start with that wanderlust feeling – a hankering to get out and see the world! Before you go though, are you prepared? Do you have everything you need? As @meiwab_choi’s post shows, it’s essential to have all of the necessary paperwork ready before you travel. Why not get prepared with our study abroad checklist? It’s essential reading for any budding traveler!

2. @qck13

The next of our beautiful images showcases the picturesque buildings of Cinque Terre in Italy. Located on the rugged Ligurian coast, Cinque Terre is a unique attraction waiting to be found by those who stray off the beaten track while looking for lesser-known landmarks. From the Taj Mahal, to Manhattan, to the Pyramids and beyond, your wanderlust will take you to the man-made wonders of the world, and you’re sure to end up finding your own wonders, too!

3. @phoebecharlotte94

Studying abroad is a great way to see the natural world, too! In addition to the globe’s architectural marvels, Mother Nature has more than a few tricks up her sleeve. Beautiful images such as @phoebecharlotte94’s shot of Iguazu Falls do a great job of demonstrating the majesty of the world’s natural wonders, but to truly experience them you have to get out there and see them for yourself!

4. @ericshinstrom

The most lasting mementos of your study abroad adventure are likely to be the friends you make along the way. As well as characters like this little guy (snapped by @erichinstrom on the cliffs of Bali, Indonesia), you’re sure to meet other students, locals and many a traveler looking to quench their wanderlust with a taste of the exotic.

5. @ktotheetothezz

As anyone who’s done a bit of travelling will tell you: expect the unexpected. Get ready to see a lot of quirks and oddities, no matter how far (or near) your travels take you – like this cross between a coffee shop and a hair salon! One thing’s for certain though, when you return from your adventure, you’ll definitely have a great stack of anecdotes to keep your friends and family entertained, and you’ll also be ready to take pretty much anything in your stride.

6. @globallinkstudies

It’s important to be ready to throw yourself in at the deep end in order to get the most out of your study abroad experience. The next of our beautiful images depicts the iconic Eiffel Tower in Paris, which forms the focus of celebrations for Bastille Day. Joining in with local celebrations and festivals is a great way to learn about the unique culture of wherever you choose to study abroad.

7. @iheartyou182

When your time abroad is over, it’s natural to feel a bit sad or lost. Instagram user @iheartyou182 says of this image of Fiji: “There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t think about it or wish I could experience it all again.” If you feel nostalgic and unsure about what’s next, just remember that one thing is for certain – returning home might seem like an abrupt end to a great adventure, but the memories are sure to stay with you for a lifetime.

Got your own beautiful images of studying abroad to share? Enter them in our competition and you could win some great prizes!