7 Things That Will Definitely Happen in Freshers’ Week | Top Universities

7 Things That Will Definitely Happen in Freshers’ Week

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Mathilde Frot

Updated Aug 14, 2018



7 Things That Will Definitely Happen in Freshers’ WeekLooking forward to Freshers’ Week? Here are 7 things that are guaranteed to happen (with gifs). main image

So, after months of stress and uncertainty, you’ve finally graduated high school and got into your dream (/insurance) university. You’ve loaded your parents’ car -- or two suitcases you’ve paid extra to check in – and arrived safely at your destination. What’s next? Freshers’ Week. Here’s the lowdown on all the things you should expect to happen…

1. You’ll witness drinking in every conceivable situation.


There’ll be a wide selection of activities on offer – quiz nights, city tours, salsa classes – but, for better or worse, drinking is pretty much always part of the equation…

2. You’ll sign up to 50 societies.


It’s a truth universally acknowledged that freshers (new students) inevitably sign up to a million societies at the Freshers Fair – ranging from cross-stitch to French, in the laudable belief that university is the perfect time for self-reinvention. They then spend the next month un-subscribing from every society’s email list.

3. You’ll be convinced you’ve met your uni squad on day one.


Freshers’ Week is a highly sociable time. You will instantly make friends, convince yourself they’ll become your uni squad, and then never cross paths with them again. You’re more likely to meet your true uni friends later on, sometime between November and January.  

4. You’ll beg your parents, siblings, grandparents and cousins to leave the campus (and feel homesick when they do).  


Obviously, there’s nothing quite as embarrassing as clingy parents… But moving to a strange city and/or horrendous student halls by yourself can be a little daunting! It’s perfectly normal to feel vulnerable in the first few weeks, so don’t worry if you do. You’ll soon feel better and proud of your independence – and your university should have the resources to help you. Don’t be afraid to Skype your family when particularly homesick, and definitely speak to the student union and campus counsellor when you feel low.

5. You’ll set off the fire alarm.


Every year, a fresher inevitably sets off the fire alarm in their halls, thus prompting the local fire brigade to show up and evacuate the building. If this is you, console yourself with the thought that (eventually) it will be a good anecdote.

6. You’ll test your limits.


You’ll neglect your diet and completely ignore basic chores like doing your laundry and washing up. A pile of dirty clothes and underwear piling up while your kitchen sink becomes infested with local vermin, fauna and flora, you’ll inevitably find yourself succumbing to fresher’s flu within a few weeks of your arrival on campus. This is completely normal. Leaving home for the first time may like a little bit like a head rush – intoxicated on freedom, you get a feel for your limits.

7. You’ll feel incredibly excited and completely lost.


Many people report ‘discovering’ themselves at university. You may do too… Or you may not. Whatever happens, the constant influx of new experiences will provide a pretty constant rollercoaster of ups and downs. What’s for certain is that you will be challenged in new ways and – sometimes – feel more vulnerable than you are used to. This is all part of the experience, and shows how much you’re growing in an intense period of time. 

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