Finding Study Abroad Scholarships | Top Universities

Finding Study Abroad Scholarships

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Updated Apr 04, 2018



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A frequently asked question with relation to study abroad is funding, and with that scholarships. This is on almost every student’s and parent’s mind. It doesn’t matter what level of study, undergraduate or postgraduate, finances are one of the most important factors of studying abroad. So, here are a few tips on finding study abroad scholarships and making a good application.

1. Choosing a study destination

The first thing to keep in mind is where you want to study. For example US universities are known to provide a higher percentage of scholarships than their UK counterparts. While tuition fees are high in both countries, scholarships may be more readily available in the US. Individual universities will have their own study abroad scholarships and these often are targeted towards specific regions where they want to encourage enrollment from, so your nationality may actually be a great advantage.

2. Where to look for study abroad scholarships?

Country-specific scholarships are another avenue to research. These include government scholarships and also schemes from private companies, such as TATA scholarships in India.

A point to remember is that both government and private study abroad scholarships may come with conditions, such as a clause stating that the student must return to work in their own country, or in a particular sector. Read the terms and conditions carefully. Scholarships can also vary a lot in terms of how much support they provide; some cover full tuition fees and also living expenses, while others may just cover a part of the tuition fees.

3. Scholarship applications

After you have decided where and which study abroad scholarships you want to apply for, this is the most important stage. Remember that scholarship applications are highly competitive and with limited scholarships available, your application needs to really stand out.

Academic excellence is the most obvious of the criteria, but you can also stand out by showing your passion for your subject and what you have done to further it through voluntary work, extracurricular activities, awards and work experience. Make sure you give a rounded impression of yourself in scholarship applications and what you want to achieve, as well as what the scholarship will do for you.

4. Scholarship deadlines

This is super important! Fill out your scholarship applications as early as possible – leaving it to the last minute will mean you’re rushed and unlikely to show yourself at your best. And missing the deadline will usually rule out your chances entirely.

5. Waiting games…

This is probably the most anxious time. Remember you can always apply for more than one scholarship, other types of funding may be available, and where there’s a will there’s a way!

QS offers an exclusive US$1.2 million worth of scholarships to attendees of the QS World Grad School Tour each year. Don’t forget to have a look at this year’s scholarships and find your nearest event to get the chance to apply for a scholarship. Click here to apply for a graduate scholarship today.

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