Join up! How Campus Groups enhance your College Experience | Top Universities

Join up! How Campus Groups enhance your College Experience

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Thomas Ahonen

Updated Jan 06, 2015



Join up! How Campus Groups enhance your College Experience main image

You’re probably aware that there’s a lot of campus groups at school that you could join, but have you been bothered to check out what they are?

If you’re one of the students that goes to class and runs away from your campus like a burning building, consider the benefits of sticking around for a couple of hours a week and joining one of your university’s campus groups or societies.

Join campus groups to meet people!

This seems apparent, but even when I was at university in my hometown, I didn’t think I needed or wanted to meet anyone new- but joining some political campus groups introduced me to some out-of-towners that I wouldn’t have normally met had I kept with my circles of friends. If you’re new to a city or campus, this would be more beneficial… look up what is on offer from campus political groups to sports, religions, hobbies… there’s usually a group for everyone!

Leadership skills

If you’re keen or usually if you stick around a bit, you can take over some leadership roles in campus groups. You can direct the activities, organize fundraising, make communications materials, recruit new members, etc. All of these activities will give you a little slice of leadership that you could put on your resume or CV if you wanted. I keep a communications director role on my linkedin for a volunteer role I did with a student group, it looks good as a supplement to your normal work experience and studies (or if you don’t have any work experience, it’s best to start applying yourself in some capacity!)

Connections outside your campus

If your campus group is an affiliate of a national or international organization, then you can meet up and network with other members when you travel or move abroad.

Sense of fulfilment!

If you feel a bit empty with your studies, filling up your schedule with activities can add value to your education by making you feel more proactive, pro-scocial and empowered in making change.

A free t-shirt!

Hey, if all else fails, you’ll usually get a free shirt that says a catchy team slogan on it. You may laugh now, but when it’s laundry day… it will always come in handy.