Studying International Business from a European Perspective | Top Universities

Studying International Business from a European Perspective

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Laura Bridgestock

Updated May 03, 2016



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The European Master in Management (EMM), run jointly by EMLYON Business School in France, Aston Business School in the UK and Ludwig Maximilian Universität – School of Management in Germany, is a two-year general management program, designed for the study of international business from a European perspective.

Within this framework, students have the opportunity to specialize in one of three management sectors – all offering a wide choice of job positions worldwide: Marketing, Corporate Finance and Organization, Change and Strategy.

Option 1: Corporate Finance

Maxime, a second-year EMM student from Belgium, chose the Corporate Finance specialization. "After having successfully completed my internship at an investment bank in Paris, I wanted to further deepen my knowledge in finance,” he explains.

“The EMM specialization at EMLYON Business School offered me the possibility to choose within a wide range of courses related to finance, allowing me to focus on the particular branch of corporate finance I was interested in.”

After completing the course, Maxime adds, “I see myself pursuing an international career in finance, benefiting from the knowledge and tools I gained from my specialization in Lyon."

Option 2: Marketing

Jonathan, a British student, chose to go back to his home country for the marketing specialization, offered at Aston Business School.

“The second year of the EMM program is great in that you can specialize in a topic of your choice,” Jonathan says. “I personally chose to go to Aston University in order to further study the broad field of marketing. I studied a variety of subjects ranging from consumer behavior to sales force management, marketing strategy and brand management.”

Very much focused on his future career, Jonathan says he chose from the elective modules offered by considering “those which would be the most beneficial when I start applying for jobs.”

He adds, “Aston University offers a great environment for learning and living, with a very international campus, located near the center of Birmingham. I was able to work in very diverse groups, meet people from all over the world with whom to share experiences and knowledge.

“Globally the specialization at Aston has also helped me get a clearer idea of which area of marketing I would like to start my career in.”

Option 3: Organization, Change & Strategy

Interested in pursuing the Organization, Change & Strategy specialization, Sophie from France headed for Ludwig Maximilian Universität in Munich – where she enjoyed both the course and exploring the local area.

“The EMM specialization in Organization, Change & Strategy offers many interesting classes with practical learning,” she says.

“We had the opportunity to study topics such as e-commerce, strategy and innovation, entrepreneurship, strategic change… and to take part in various group projects involving business partners. Those allowed us to improve our communication skills, meet new people, and extend our network.”

She adds, “LMU is located in downtown Munich, which makes it easy to access and discover the city. Munich really is a lovely city, where we enjoyed Christmas markets, biergarten, and the snow!"

For more details on courses in each specialization, click here.

The European Master in Management at a glance:

  • Study international management from three perspectives
  • Obtain an official French, German and British degree
  • Live and learn in at least two countries, possibly up to four
  • Gain academic knowledge AND work experience

This article is sponsored by EMLYON Business School.