Why Study Human Sciences in a World of Artificial Intelligence? | Top Universities

Why Study Human Sciences in a World of Artificial Intelligence?

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Stephanie Lukins

Updated Jan 22, 2020



Why Study Human Sciences in a World of Artificial Intelligence? main image

Sponsored by IE University

We’re constantly being bombarded with new and exciting technological developments – but few are as intriguing as the rise of artificial intelligence. Once the stuff of sci-fi stories, artificially intelligent devices are in homes around the world now, and this technology is a powerful force which needs forward-thinking professionals behind it.

But what does human science have to do with any of this? We’ve teamed up with IE University and their School of Human Sciences and Technology to find out. 

Human creativity will always be essential

Artificial intelligence and machines will most likely never be able to replicate emotional intelligence and human creativity. The complexities of artificial intelligence are no match for the complexities that come with being human.

There are big changes to come in tomorrow’s job market

Although some job roles may become obsolete overtime and pushed out thanks to artificial intelligence, new roles will evolve and become an integral part of business. In fact, it’s predicted that artificial intelligence will create 58 million new jobs by 2022.

Ensuring total transparency when it comes to AI is vital in order to avoid any underlying biases and potential disasters. Global corporations such as Google and Microsoft are now beginning to hire individuals who come from a human sciences background to collaborate and liaise with the engineering teams. The end goal is to create and develop more ethical artificial intelligence products and services.

Human scientists can look at the challenges of artificial intelligence and their current role in society, and suggest how the engineers can make AI more human-like and user-friendly. This can work especially well in settings such as Tesla, the self-driving car, online shopping advertisements, and smart personal assistants, such as Apple’s Siri or Amazon’s Alexa.

Humans vs machines

The Terminator isn’t the only story to consider what might happen if machines decided to turn on their human creators. Fortunately, we know this apocalyptic scenario just isn’t true. Instead, we’re seeing the ways in which AI can be studied through various lenses such as economics, psychology, biology, and other social sciences to benefit humankind. Engineers, scientists and researchers are now all coming together to use AI in ways that were never once thought possible.

So, although it may seem like machines are running the show, driving our driverless cars and helping to prevent global disasters, us humans are still very much in control.

Looking ahead

Considering all the ways artificial intelligence impacts today’s society, it’s still important to bear in mind that developments in AI tend to be accompanied by new and complex social and ethical issues. Which leads to one key question: how do we as a society handle such dilemmas?

This is why IE University have specifically crafted a wide range of bachelor’s and master’s degree programs to help fill the employment gap desperately needed by today’s industries.

Programs such as the Bachelor in Behavioral and Social Sciences, Executive Master in Positive Leadership & Transformation, and the Master in Customer Experience & Innovation at the School of Human Sciences and Technology at IE University all aim to develop students’ specialized knowledge of human behavior and attitudes and the connection with advanced technologies. 

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