How are the students and teachers at the University of Warwick? | Top Universities

How are the students and teachers at the University of Warwick?

Submitted by Drăguțu Rareş

So, I asked this because I got an offer for CS at this university. I am from Romania and there... oh.. it is so hard to say... I was bullied so hard by my classmates (not by other friends from other classes) only because I had a different vision about life and I thought differently. I am not a nerdy person, I am quite cool and also intelligent ( I got 140 points at MENSA test) and for this, they envied me (and I told them nothing and always helped them). This happened all 12 years of school, but for instance, from grade 9 to 12  (please note that the Romanian School System has 12 grades) my mother was a teacher at the high school where I studied and my classmates thought that if she is there, it is normal me to have only grades of 10/10. They did not see the fact that I am a good student and took so many prizes at international and national computer science related contests. Now, the problem is that also some teachers (grown-ups!) told me ugly things because they thought so too, although this has not happened. I have spoken with my mother about those issues and she felt bad for me but could not do anything. How is society there, in the UK? Or maybe, there, at Uni of Warwick? Should I expect the same type of humans, in the majority?

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