Study Abroad Brazil/London or South Africa? | Top Universities

Study Abroad Brazil/London or South Africa?

Submitted by Jeremy Herbert

I am planning on studying abroad in the Summer/Autumn of 2016 (~July to December), Am I am considering two major options. The first option is for me to do a month abroad in Sao Paolo, Brazil where I would learn about alternative energy sources, through CIEE. And then, I would go to Queen Mary University of London, where I would have a traditional study abroad semester.
My other option is to study abroad in South Africa. If I do this I couldn't do the month in Brazil due to conflicting dates. This would also be a traditional semester abroad.
Some additional information: I am currently a 2nd year computer engineering major studying at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. I had spent my first semester of college abroad in Thessaloniki, Greece.
Some of the arguments in my head:
I get to take more more classes, I am on track either way though
I get to see two different places
When I would go to London I could travel around continental Europe
Classes line up a tiny bit better with my major, but not significantly
Cheaper cost of living in Brazil
Brazil has a different culture
London is more expensive, I am not super tight on funds but it is still a factor.
I would have a 1 month break at home. I'm not crazy about that.
London I think culture wise wouldn't be super different from Boston.
Notes/Thoughts on Brazil/London
I have already live in Europe for 3 months? Do I want to do that again?
I have a few more options that I could do in Europe and still do Brazil. I could study in Edinburgh, Geneva, Copenhagen.
I was leaning towards London because it is a big city and I know there are lots of flights to other places.
The other places I was shying away from because they either had a higher cost of living or didn't seem quite as interesting.
I would not be required to take a language class for Brazil. If I did go to Geneva or Copenhagen, I would be required.
South Africa
A very different culture and area to explore, different than what I have done before
cheaper cost of living
Classes don't line up quite as well for Brazil and London.
Notes/Thoughts on South Africa:
I was looking either at the University of Pretoria or the University of Capetown. They seemed to have the best course equivalency
It also seemed that Pretoria and Capetown had the best public transportation should I want to travel elsewhere.
I know there is also the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa, which is approx 50 km from Capetown. I'd prefer to be in a larger city I think.
I also could go to Australia/New Zealand, But I was shying away from Australia because I feel the culture is similar to the US
I was shying away from New Zealand because I felt South Africa would be a bit more interesting and different.
What I would like if you are reading this is for you:
To state which one you would do in my situation and provide why
Please feel free to disagree with me. Please be honest. Please share your personal experience. Please feel free to ask questions. If you need more information I would be happy to give more, because that would give you more insight on your recommendation. Do read into my situation a bit. And finally,
Thank you for reading this.

Studying abroad