Forum Terms and Conditions | Top Universities

Forum Terms and Conditions

Forum Policies and Conditions (Category top post)

1. The (TU) student forum is a community we provide where courteous, respectful and tolerant discussions are expected. Our visitors live all around the world, in every populated continent; it is to be expected that in such an international, multicultural forum, there will be differences of opinion and varying communication styles. In order to maintain a welcoming, inclusive community, TU will not tolerate flames, insults, discriminatory or exclusive behavior, harassment or bullying of any kind; personal attacks will not be tolerated. We reserve the right to deny posting rights to users who behave in a manner that is offensive, aggressive or discriminatory.

2. The TU forum is not a platform for spam, external marketing or promotions. TU reserves the right to deny posting rights to those who abuse their access to our free forum by using it as a marketing platform.

3. Do not link to or post materials that are obscene or offensive. The TU forum is designed for use by students and parents from all around the world, and it's important to us that the content stays clean and inoffensive by a broad, global standard. TU reserves the right to deny posting rights to those who post or link to offensive content.

4. TU, QS and its employees, officers, directors, and affiliated companies are not to be held legally responsible for any claim or demand arising from material users contribute to our communities.

5. We will do our best to monitor the forum; however it is a free service we're providing that we hope will thrive as a positive, helpful community. Due to the limitations of time and resources available for moderation, we reserve the right to remove content and remove posting rights from individuals at any point and withour prior notification. Any content that is determined by TU to be inappropriate, offensive, distasteful or outside of the context of the discussion categories and subcategories will be removed without warning or explanation. We will not involve ourselves in or mediate disputes between users; if such conflicts arise the response is likely to involve removal of posting rights and content.

6. QS Quacquarelli Symonds Ltd reserves the right to use any content submitted through our networks by forum users. By participating in the forum, the user agrees to give consent for the content to be published, printed or distributed; these rights are common on most public message boards and chatrooms. All content on is the property of QS Quacquarelli Symonds Ltd.

7. Our privacy policy is available here