Looking for suvey respondents about home/storage/personal space organization | Top Universities

Looking for suvey respondents about home/storage/personal space organization

Submitted by Anne Suarez

Greetings! I'm unsure of how the forums work as I'm new here and came from being linked with the hope of gathering respondents for my survey here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScrJsvfnO4JtHaQ7E5QHz8EFDHYu8rYJ1s3mrreD_AuL7W-eA/viewform
We are required to pick a brand of our choice that is based on the given topic to us (mine turned out to be Home Organziation) and our prof is requiring us a minimum of 50 respondents by the 8th. Please do answer if you have the time to! I would really appreciate it 1 Thank you very much and God bless. I apologize for my grammar as it's not the best but I hope this was worded in a clear manner //

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