Department of Classics : Rankings, Fees & Courses Details | Top Universities
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Department of Classics


Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, Roma, IT, Rome Italy


3Undergraduate programs


6Postgraduate programs

About Department of Classics

The Department of Classics was created in 2010, bringing together archaeological, historical, philological, literary, epigraphic and linguistic disciplines related to antiquity, which had previously been hosted in a range of different departments. As a result of this, the department both promotes and supports constant interaction between the disciplines and interdisciplinary approaches to antiquity.  

With some 70 faculty members, we are one of the largest and most preeminent institutions in the field. We carry out research in all disciplines related to the ancient world, from the Prehistory to the Middle Ages, in Europe, Africa and in the Near and Middle East.

The Department is organised into three Sections: Archaeology, Greek and Latin Philology and History, Epigraphy and Topography (East and Ancient Mediterranean). It also boasts eight laboratories, a rich research library, with more than 150,000 volumes, divided into four main thematic areas (Archaeology, Classical and Byzantine Philology, Prehistoric Archaeology, Ancient History and Topography), and four museums (Museo dell’Arte Classica, Museo delle Origini, Museo del Vicino Oriente, Museo delle Antichità Etrusche e Italiche), which form part of the Polo Museale Sapienza.

The Department offers:

About Department of Classics

The Department of Classics was created in 2010, bringing together archaeological, historical, philological, literary, epigraphic and linguistic disciplines related to antiquity, which had previously been hosted in a range of different departments. As a result of this, the department both promotes and supports constant interaction between the disciplines and interdisciplinary approaches to antiquity.  

With some 70 faculty members, we are one of the largest and most preeminent institutions in the field. We carry out research in all disciplines related to the ancient world, from the Prehistory to the Middle Ages, in Europe, Africa and in the Near and Middle East.

The Department is organised into three Sections: Archaeology, Greek and Latin Philology and History, Epigraphy and Topography (East and Ancient Mediterranean). It also boasts eight laboratories, a rich research library, with more than 150,000 volumes, divided into four main thematic areas (Archaeology, Classical and Byzantine Philology, Prehistoric Archaeology, Ancient History and Topography), and four museums (Museo dell’Arte Classica, Museo delle Origini, Museo del Vicino Oriente, Museo delle Antichità Etrusche e Italiche), which form part of the Polo Museale Sapienza.

The Department offers:

Available programs

The course is aimed at an international audience, largely lacking a previous education in classical studies, and therefore aims to offer students intensive training in these disciplines and, in particular, in ancient Greek and Latin languages.

The course aims to provide a valid and accurate basic training in the knowledge of the ancient world and in particular of ancient Greek and Latin languages and literatures, of ancient history, classical archeology and classical reception in medieval, modern and contemporary culture. The teachings of the Course will be based on a broad vision of the classical world and will focus on the cultural, anthropological and reception aspects of ancient civilizations; they will also benefit from the opportunities offered by the location in Rome, with the possibility of experiences in the area, visits to museums and workshops in libraries.

Providing this training in English allows, compared to a course in Italian, greater opportunities for the graduate to continue their university study or pursue a career in an international context. The knowledge of classical languages, literatures and civilizations, the ability to develop a critical analysis of complex texts and phenomena, as well as the communicative skills in English learned during the course, determine a professional profile qualified to perform cultural activities in an international context, with particular reference to the sectors such as publishing, journalism, protection and enhancement of cultural heritage.

In particular, the course intends to provide:

- a good knowledge of ancient Greek and Latin languages, taught starting from the basic grammar and up to a level that allows students to read and understand complex literary texts;

- a good knowledge of ancient Greek and Latin literatures from the origins to the Middle Ages;

- a good knowledge of the history of ancient theater and of the performing methods of literary texts;

- a good knowledge of the classical reception in modern European literatures and in contemporary culture;

- a good knowledge of ancient history, archeology and classical art, history of ancient thought, with a wide choice of complementary subjects such as paleography, epigraphy, numismatics, etc.;

- a basic knowledge of the philological method, of text criticism, of the tradition of classical texts;

- a good knowledge of the purposes and methodologies of the interpretation of complex literary texts;

- the ability to use the main IT and telematic communication tools in the specific areas of competence.

Learning is achieved through the most up-to-date theories and techniques of approaching ancient texts and testimonies (papyri, epigraphs, manuscripts, iconographic material, archeological finds and monuments, etc.) and with the help of all possible IT supports. Students can also take advantage of the opportunity to call foreign teachers to carry out teaching activities (Visiting Professorships, or cycles of seminars with foreign guests).

The inter-university Master’s Degree in Classical Archaeology issues a joint degree, promoted by the Department of Classical Antiquities of Sapienza University of Rome, one of the oldest universities in Italy and worldwide, with a secular leading role in Classics and archaeological studies, and Unitelma Sapienza University of Rome, its online university, which has been a flagship of excellence in Italian distance learning for over ten years.

The Master is an online program that aims to provide an in-depth training in the field of classical archaeology, completing theoretical training with one or more apprenticeships in Rome or other archaeological sites to be agreed upon with the course board directors.

The didactic methodology combines both traditional (historical-archaeological, philological-linguistic, artistic knowledge) and innovative resources applying the most evolved methods addressed to the knowledge of the material culture. The program aims to improve the archaeological and historical skills of second level graduates.

The didactic methodology combines both traditional (historical-archaeological, philological-linguistic, artistic knowledge) and innovative resources applying the most evolved methods addressed to the knowledge of the material culture and of the ancient landscape. The program aims to improve the archaeological and historical skills of second level graduates.

The educational aim of the course is to strengthen further the preparation achieved within the curriculum of the first level studies, with the acquisition of methodologies and skills that foster a critical approach to the archaeological data, properly classified, within their broader historical-cultural framework, as well as developing individual research abilities according to the international scientific debate.

At the end of the training course, the graduate acquires:

• high knowledge of the ancient world in its various historical and cultural aspects;

• in-depth knowledge of ancient history in the classical or Middle-Eastern context up to the Middle Ages, also in light of the ability to read, translate and analyse ancient, historical, literary and epigraphic sources;

• specialized skills in one of the internationally recognized archaeological fields for the Western classic world (Prehistory and Protohistory, Classical Archaeology, Medieval Archaeology)

University information

The Department of Classics includes several structures, as a library divided in several sections, some laboratories and several museums.

Structures grant their services to the students according to timetables and accessing modes as reported in their respective webpages:

- Libraries. The Library is divided in multiple sections, covering the following thematic areas:


Classical and Byzantine Philology


History and Ancient Topography


- Lectures halls. The Lectures halls include:

Aula Odeion   (Faculty - Ground Floor - Museo dell'Arte Classica,            194 seats)

Aula Partenone (Faculty - Ground Floor - Museo dell'Arte Classica,          114 seats)

Aula XXII (Faculty - 3rd Floor,        110 seats)

Aula Museo delle Origini (Faculty -1 Floor - Museo delle Origini, 30 seats)

Auletta di archeologia (Faculty - Ground Floor - Museo dell'Arte Classica, 30 seats)

Aula Museo delle Antichità Etrusco-Italiche (Faculty -1 Floor - Museo delle Antichità Etrusco-Italiche, 30 seats)

Aula A "Luigi Enrico Rossi" Faculty (2nd Floor, 22 seats)

Every classroom is provided with wi-fi connection, has a tabletop PC, projection, sound and streaming system. One graphic tablet is provided in each classroom, to be delivered by personnel.


- Laboratories . The thematic laboratories provided to the students by the department:

Technological and functional analyses of prehistoric artefacts



Digital photogrammetry and archaeological remote sensing

Museum of the Etruscan and Italic antiques

Antiques' sciences and restoration

Studio delle Produzioni artigianali, dell’Architettura e dei Paesaggi storici (PAP)

Near East

Student life

Sapienza is located in the heart of Rome, the capital of Italy. Rome is a city of a mesmerizing beauty, with a long history, a vibrant life style and the highest concentration of historical and architectural riches in the world. Over 16% of the world’s cultural treasures are located in Rome (70% in Italy). As a part of Europe, Italy allows international students to travel and study across the Schengen Area, which includes 26 countries.

Throughout the course of the year, Sapienza organises a myriad cultural, social and sporting activities to encourage students to conduct a well-rounded social life. These include: The “MuSa” orchestras, choirs and jazz ensembles, Sapienza Theatron-Ancient Theatre Group, the RadioSapienza web-radio station and a wide range of sports facilities.

Particularly important for Classics students is the Theatron project, which aims to spread and share the unique experience of classical Greek and Latin theater in its different forms and in its modern reinterpretations. The project consists of two laboratories, one for translation and one for staging. Students, employees and teachers of Sapienza participate in these workshops. The representations of ancient tragedies and comedies are very successful and are an important moment of sharing for the entire community of Sapienza.

The Department of Classics also offers students the opportunity to participate in several workshops such those of Technological and functional analyses of prehistoric artefacts, Cartography, Epigraphy, Digital photogrammetry and archeological remote sensing.

Tuition fee and scholarships

One of the important factors when considering a master's degree is the cost of study. Luckily, there are many options available to help students fund their master's programme. Download your copy of the Scholarship Guide to find out which scholarships from around the world could be available to you, and how to apply for them.

In this guide you will find:

Where to look for scholarship opportunities


How to apply to scholarships relevant to you


A list of available scholarships around the world


A scholarship application checklist

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Department of Classics advanced no 20643241