6 tips to help you get accepted onto a master's in France | Top Universities

6 tips to help you get accepted onto a master's in France

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Stephanie Lukins

Updated May 21, 2024



6 Tips to Help You Get Accepted onto a Business School Master’s in France

Sponsored by Montpellier Business School

Studying a master’s at business school in France is a great opportunity to learn about a specialised subject at one of the top institutions in the world. But, how can you make sure your application has done everything it can to prove you’ve got the ambition and drive required to study a master’s at business school – whether it’s in finance, marketing, digital transformation, or international business?

We know that generic admissions advice isn’t always helpful, so we asked those in the know at Montpellier Business School for their tips and advice for making your business master’s application the best it can be.

Check, double check and triple check that you have included everything the application has asked you for

Perhaps the most obvious piece of advice – but also the most overlooked. Business schools are often oversubscribed with applications and if an obvious error is found with yours, then it’s often one of the first to be put in the ‘rejected’ pile.

Montpellier Business School has its very own dedicated web portal where prospective students and applicants can ask any questions about their application.

Go the extra mile on your entry exams – and re-sit them if necessary

As part of your application, schools will require you to take standardized admissions tests such as the GMAT or GRE which are designed to test your critical reading and essay writing skills. 

It’s important to know that you can retake the GMAT and GRE several times if necessary. And no, taking the GMAT or GRE multiple times won’t hurt your chances of being accepted. For the GMAT, you can sit it up to five times in a calendar year and eight times in total. You will need to wait 16 days between retakes though. With the GRE, you can take it once every 21 days, up to five times within any continuous rolling 12-month period.

Another requirement to study a master’s at most business schools in France is a strong basis of the English language. If English isn’t your first language or you come from a country where English isn’t the main language, you may need to complete an English language qualification such as the IELTS or TOEFL.

Montpellier Business School allows you to provide your own English language qualifications if you already have them. They also offer pre-sessional English courses and admissions test courses to provide extra support for students.

Be mindful that schools look for more than just excellent academic scores too. Although the GMAT/GRE is an important component of your business school application, it doesn’t guarantee you a place on their own. At the top schools, most applicants will have high test scores, so admissions decisions are often based on other criteria – such as your overall academic performance, previous academic and professional background, and career goals. Speaking of which…

Attend information sessions and open days

While actually attending virtual information sessions, open days and webinars won’t get you a tick mark on your application, they are a valuable opportunity to speak to the admissions team about the application process, as well as your academic and career goals. This can help you find out whether you are a good match for the school – and vice versa – and as a result, potentially positively influence your application.

Every business school has its own set of values and ethos and having an awareness of the school’s values and ethos is important – more so to ensure that your personality and values are also a good fit. This is something which the admissions team will also be looking out for in your application.

Some schools, like Montpellier Business School, run annual and bi-annual webinars for prospective students which focuses on the best ways to maximise your application and remind you of what must be included.

You can even chat to current students at the school to get tips, feedback and ask any questions you might have about student life in the city of Montpellier, classes and their own experiences studying at Montpellier Business School.

Don’t be modest – but still be completely yourself

It’s important that you don’t force yourself to be somebody you aren’t in your application. The admissions team will be able to tell when you’re not being genuine and trying to be the perfect business school candidate in your application is the quickest way to getting it thrown out.

Your application should do three things: showcase solid evidence that you have the qualities required for the particular master’s that you’re applying to, demonstrate your understanding of what it means to study that particular master’s at that particular business school, and distinguish yourself from the other applicants by explaining why you would be an exceptional contribution to the cohort.

Emphasise relevant experience in your application

Relevant industry experience can really help your business school master’s application stand out. If your work experience is relevant to the degree, it’s worth emphasising this in your application. On the other hand, if the master’s you’re applying to is a completely different direction to your previous academic and/or work experience, focus on and highlight the transferrable skills you have, instead.

Perfect your interview technique

Once you’ve submitted your application, it’s time to prepare for the interview. The interview stages help the school decide whether or not you really are the right fit for the program as well as for the school.

Should you be invited to interview, make sure you take the time to research the school, its programme as well as review your own application, including previous work experience, why you applied to that particular school, and how the degree programme will help you in your future career.

“The interview is based on your personality and we want to discover who you truly are,” said Gaelle Enjalric, Director of Admissions at Montpellier Business School. “The objective of the interview is to identify the candidate’s personal characteristics and their potential as a future business professional.

“The questions asked during the pre-recorded interview are intended to help us get a better knowledge of the candidate. It also helps us assess among other aspects, their ability to adapt, anticipate and integrate along with their inquisitiveness and open-mindedness,” Gaelle added.

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