Why experiential learning can provide you with the skills employers need | Top Universities

Why experiential learning can provide you with the skills employers need

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Craig OCallaghan

Updated Apr 18, 2024



Students working on a project

Sponsored by IE University 

For prospective university students contemplating studying abroad, the decision is not merely about choosing a destination; it's about preparing for a future career in a globalised world.  

In navigating this crucial choice, choosing a university that can provide you with experiential learning opportunities, such as work placements or group projects, can make a big difference, ensuring you graduate with an understanding of the modern workplace and the skills required to thrive within it. 

At IE University, experiential learning sits at the heart of the student experience and is crucial to the institution’s record for academic excellence. 

Read on to learn more about the benefits of experiential learning and how a degree from IE University can equip you with the skills needed urgently by today’s global employers. 

Why experiential learning matters  

Experiential learning, at its core, is about learning by doing. It transcends traditional classroom learning by immersing students in real-world scenarios, empowering them to apply theoretical knowledge in practical contexts.  

Whether through internships, cooperative education programmes, or research projects, experiential learning provides students with invaluable opportunities to develop essential skills and competencies that are highly sought after by employers worldwide. 

At IE University, initiatives such as IE Shadowing allow students to shadow experts already working in their desired fields and gain hands-on experience, while the university is also embracing immersive VR technologies to give their students an opportunity to put theory into practice. 

Developing skills through experiential learning 

One of the key advantages of experiential learning is its ability to foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills.  

As a prospective student studying abroad, you'll encounter diverse challenges and complexities unique to your chosen destination. Experiential learning equips you with the tools to navigate these challenges effectively, by encouraging you to analyse situations critically, think innovatively and adapt to new environments with confidence. 

Moreover, experiential learning cultivates a sense of independence and initiative, qualities that are particularly valuable when studying in a foreign country. Through internships and research projects, you'll have the opportunity to take ownership of your learning journey, set goals, and pursue your interests with autonomy.  

These experiences not only enhance your academic development but also prepare you for the demands of a globalised workforce, where self-motivation and initiative are highly prized. 

Furthermore, experiential learning promotes collaboration and cross-cultural communication skills, essential for success in an interconnected world. Studying abroad exposes you to diverse perspectives and cultures, providing you with invaluable opportunities to work alongside peers from different backgrounds.  

Whether through group projects, community initiatives, or cultural exchanges, you'll develop the ability to communicate effectively, collaborate productively and navigate cultural differences with sensitivity and respect. 

Developing the skills required to thrive in today’s workplace 

Importantly, experiential learning enhances your employability by providing you with real-world experience and industry-relevant skills.  

IE University’s experiential learning opportunities ensure that their graduates are well-placed to bridge the skills gap and enter the workplace with not only the relevant academic qualifications but also practical competence, a global mindset and key ‘soft skills’. 

IE University has agreements with over 3,200 companies, providing their students with access to a wide range of internships and work experience opportunities at globally recognised brands such as Amazon, JP Morgan and Danone.  

By participating in internships and other experiential learning opportunities during your study abroad journey, you'll gain invaluable insights into your chosen field, build professional networks, and acquire the skills and experiences that set you apart in the job market. 

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