7 Self-Care Tips for Students in the Coronavirus Lockdown | Top Universities

7 Self-Care Tips for Students in the Coronavirus Lockdown

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Chloe Lane

Updated Apr 01, 2021



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With second national lockdowns happening in the UK, France, Portugal, Greece and Ireland and local lockdowns and restrictions in many other countries, self-care is more important than ever.

Because many of us have been through a lockdown before, it’s easy to start to neglect self-care and get into a bit of a rut, feeling unmotivated and sluggish.  

Whether you’re feeling positive about this lockdown or are dreading going through it again, these seven self-care tips will help relax your mind and keep you energized.

Take a break from the internet

Take a break

We’ve all been encouraged to use our phones as much as possible during COVID-19 and they’re undeniably a great way to stay connected with friends and family.

Technology gives us the opportunity to disconnect from (an often scary) reality and share our feelings and experiences with others.

However, hosting Zoom quizzes and creating TikToks does inevitably get tiring and repetitive after a while and may even take a toll on your mental health.

If you start to feel like being constantly connected is draining instead of energizing you, it might be time for a break. This break doesn’t have to be for long, just an hour or two a day away from technology can really help you de-stress and relax.

Get some fresh air

Get fresh air

Whether it’s by opening the window or going for a quick walk, getting some fresh air will help with your productivity and give you more energy.

Additionally, it can help strengthen your immune system by increasing your oxygen intake. Just ten minutes outside can help clear your head and give you a completely fresh perspective. 

Avoid excessive alcohol and caffeine

Avoid excessive alcohol and caffeine

During COVID-19 , your routine and your stress levels may have changed. You might find yourself drinking more coffee and/or alcohol than before.

As we all know, caffeine can dehydrate us, as well as increasing our heart rate and blood pressure. Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to a whole host of problems

We’re not saying you should cut these things out completely. Just being aware of your intake can help you consume them in moderation and stay healthy.

If you think you’re drinking a bit too much in lockdown, Drink Aware offers some excellent support and advice on the steps you can take to cut down your intake.

Stop reading the news

Stop reading the news

Okay, so reading the news is important, but it’s also alright to take a break from it every now and then. 

One thing many people found when the pandemic first started was that the sheer amount of information available became very overwhelming very quickly – particularly with the news.

Instead of constantly checking the news, try muting your news apps after checking them once each day. This will stop the feeling of being bombarded with information.

Click here if you’re looking for alternative ways to keep up with current events. 

Keep in touch with friends and family

Keep in touch with friends and family

As the longer nights draw in and the weather gets colder, many of us will start to feel a bit homesick. During this time, it’s vital to regularly connect with friends and family.

Have virtual meetups with your friends and family, host an online movie marathon or just give them a call on the phone. 

Starting your day by chatting on the phone to someone you care about will put you in a much more positive mood. 

Move your body

Move your body

This doesn’t have to be a full body home workout. If you’re anything like me, the thought of an excitable workout instructor screaming at you to do 20 burpees is enough to send a shiver down your spine.

Simply going for a walk in the park, a jog or a bike ride around your block is a good way to get moving and clear your head. Even on days where you’re really not feeling it, it’s worth forcing yourself out for a brief 10-minute walk before you start studying.

Find out how students are staying active in lockdown

Read a book

Read a book

No-one’s expecting you to read War and Peace in lockdown (unless you want to!) Start with the book your favorite movie’s based off. Ask friends for recommendations. Take a look at the current best-sellers. Reading doesn’t have to be a chore, it can be extremely relaxing and a very effective form of escapism.

If you’re based in the UK or the US, it’s worth taking a look at Bookshop, a new online bookseller which supports independent bookshops across the UK and the US.


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