Universidad del Valle de Guatemala (UVG) : Rankings, Fees & Courses Details | Top Universities
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Universidad del Valle de Guatemala (UVG)


Central Campus UVG, Guatemala City Guatemala


# 30Latin America and the Caribbean Rankings - Central America


47Undergraduate programs


36Postgraduate programs


97International students

About Universidad del Valle de Guatemala (UVG)

Our mission is to develop agents of change that impact society through educational and research experiences focused on science and technology.  

We have three campuses : The Main Campus in Guatemala City, the Highlands Campus in Sololá, and the South Campus in Escuintla.

UVG is the  number one university in Guatemala and the number one private university in Central America, according to QS World University Rankings for the 5th consecutive year. It's also the first Guatemalan university to receive the international  Hcéres institutional accreditation .

UVG was founded in 1966 . Since then, it has been focused on offering high-quality academic programs in engineering, sciences, education, creativity, and business, cutting-edge laboratories and facilities, and innovation and research experiences through learning by doing.

We are proud of our students and researchers' accomplishments, such as developing and launching the first Guatemalan satellite, Quetzal-1 —named after Guatemala National Bird— built by around 100 UVG members. UVG has been the leader of aerospace research in Guatemala, which has led us to participate in other space missions such as Artemis 1 and Space Biofilms .

Our teams also contribute to environmental research, discovering new plants and animal species like the salamander Bolitoglossa Qeqom , promoting biofuel production, and innovation in different areas.

¡We believe that the best innovation contributions to society come from diverse teams and from turning great ideas into reality! 

Our Research Institute has ten study centers focused on environment and biodiversity, health, food and agriculture, biotechnology, informatics, archaeology and anthropology, biochemistry, education, industrial process, economic growth, and the multidisciplinary Center for Lake Atitlán Studies. UVG is the private university with the highest scientific production in Central America.

In 2020, we opened the Center for Innovation and Technology (CIT) on the Main Campus. CIT is a 50,000-square-meter facility with laboratories, libraries, makerspaces, and classrooms, set to be an innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem where different key actors interact to create local solutions to problems based on society's demands.

Recently, UVG started the Sustainable Alliances for Innovation, Investigation, and Entrepreneurship (ASPIRE) . The project focuses on developing a world-class, replicable model for higher education institutions to address local and regional development priorities through a co-creative, community-engaged approach to research, teaching, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

About Universidad del Valle de Guatemala (UVG)

Our mission is to develop agents of change that impact society through educational and research experiences focused on science and technology.  

We have three campuses : The Main Campus in Guatemala City, the Highlands Campus in Sololá, and the South Campus in Escuintla.

UVG is the  number one university in Guatemala and the number one private university in Central America, according to QS World University Rankings for the 5th consecutive year. It's also the first Guatemalan university to receive the international  Hcéres institutional accreditation .

UVG was founded in 1966 . Since then, it has been focused on offering high-quality academic programs in engineering, sciences, education, creativity, and business, cutting-edge laboratories and facilities, and innovation and research experiences through learning by doing.

We are proud of our students and researchers' accomplishments, such as developing and launching the first Guatemalan satellite, Quetzal-1 —named after Guatemala National Bird— built by around 100 UVG members. UVG has been the leader of aerospace research in Guatemala, which has led us to participate in other space missions such as Artemis 1 and Space Biofilms .

Our teams also contribute to environmental research, discovering new plants and animal species like the salamander Bolitoglossa Qeqom , promoting biofuel production, and innovation in different areas.

¡We believe that the best innovation contributions to society come from diverse teams and from turning great ideas into reality! 

Our Research Institute has ten study centers focused on environment and biodiversity, health, food and agriculture, biotechnology, informatics, archaeology and anthropology, biochemistry, education, industrial process, economic growth, and the multidisciplinary Center for Lake Atitlán Studies. UVG is the private university with the highest scientific production in Central America.

In 2020, we opened the Center for Innovation and Technology (CIT) on the Main Campus. CIT is a 50,000-square-meter facility with laboratories, libraries, makerspaces, and classrooms, set to be an innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem where different key actors interact to create local solutions to problems based on society's demands.

Recently, UVG started the Sustainable Alliances for Innovation, Investigation, and Entrepreneurship (ASPIRE) . The project focuses on developing a world-class, replicable model for higher education institutions to address local and regional development priorities through a co-creative, community-engaged approach to research, teaching, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

Available programs

University information

We have more than 45 undergraduate majors that our future students can choose from through an on-site or online admissions process that starts with an Academic Aptitude Test (PAA). In addition, through our UVG Master's program, the students can apply to more than 40 post-graduate and master's degrees .

Our admissions process focuses on integrating a student body that achieves academic excellence, leadership, and knowledge at the service of society through inclusive teams who can work collaboratively. To start your admission process to UVG, visit www.uvg.edu.gt/admisiones/aplica-nuestros-programas or write to [email protected] .

We believe in talented people  and providing them with opportunities that enable them to achieve meaningful contributions to society. Our commitment  is that any talented student can accomplish their goals without limitations and positively change the world. Upon admission, our future students can apply to various financial aid options to study one of our careers. 

¡Today, 6 out of 10 students have at least one type of financial aid! This allows them to access quality education, specialized laboratories, and opportunities to participate in projects and international exchanges. But most importantly, to follow their vocations in careers of their interest in science and technology without financial limitations.

Within our scholarship programs, we created the Science Leadership Scholarships to promote the study of sciences in Guatemala. These scholarships is available to all of our students in Mathematics, Chemistry, Anthropology, and Archaeology majors. Recently, we introduced the Business Leadership Scholarship for students who want to create an impact through innovation, entrepreneurship, and leadership in business within administration and marketing majors.

Our Potencia-T Scholarship is a financial aid option for students who have excelled in academic excellence and human qualities. The scholarship is awarded to students from a pre-selected group of schools that work collaboratively with UVG.

We constantly work to improve our financial aid program to expand the benefits to the young population in all areas of Guatemala.

One of our goals is that our students can learn by exploring, testing, prototyping, and more. Our specialized laboratories, makerspaces, and collaborative spaces are essential to accomplishing it.

In Main Campus, the Center for Innovation and Technology (CIT) has 22 collaborative spaces, 61 classrooms, 21 laboratories, and a capacity for 4,000 people. It integrates makerspaces, laboratories, Socratic classrooms, and collaborative spaces for networking, research, technology transfer, creative production, etc.

In  engineering, our students can learn in laboratories specialized in chemical engineering, manufacturing, space engineering, computer sciences, mechanical systems, hydraulics and water quality, industrial automation, advanced telecommunications, robotics, biomedical instrumentation, micro and nano-electronics, quantitative physiology, food and nutritional innovation, virtual reality, process design, and advanced finances.

Our sciences area integrates laboratories specialized in social innovation, visual anthropology, archaeology, microbiology, biochemistry, biology, biotechnology, physics, mathematics, and more. Other laboratories specialize in multimedia visualization, educational innovation, user experience, audiovisual recording, digital art and design, design thinking, and technology transfer.

Our Chemical Engineering Laboratory , for example, is the biggest in the region. It has around 80 machines to develop more than 20 industrial operations. Here, we manufacture biodiesel, hand sanitizer, and other products. We also have a Food and Nutrition Innovation Pilot Plant , the largest and most complete in Guatemala, and the first Space Engineering Laboratory in the country.

Besides our Main Campus D-Hive (designing and prototyping) and B-Hive (biotechnology investigation) makerspaces, in our Highlands and South Campus, our students can access on-campus makerspaces and laboratories.

UVG opened the South Campus in 1995, located in Santa Lucia Cotzumalguapa, Escuintla. This campus serves the South part of Guatemala and offers careers in agriculture, business, education, technology engineering, and information technologies.

Later, in 2000, the  Highlands Campus started in Sololá. Originally a military base, it was transformed into a university as part of  the 1996 Guatemala Peace Accords. This campus serves the Highlands region, which includes different ethnic groups. In the last twenty years, the campus has undergone a remarkable transformation and today educates the Mayan youth, offering programs in education, agroforestry, technology engineering, information technologies, and tourism.

The UVG Highlands Campus facilities include classrooms, a makerspace, and physics, chemistry, and computer labs. Also, collaborative areas such as the John R. Hamilton Library, inaugurated in 2004, the virtual classroom, the multipurpose room, and the Salón Mayor for academic events.

The campus is home to the Atitlán Studies Center , which has a laboratory to measure water quality and the development and evolution of cyanobacteria in Lake Atitlán. It also has an experimental agricultural farm used for agroforestry technicians' training.


Student life

We believe in an integrated student experience, which is why, besides their academic activities, our students can participate in several academic, arts, and sports clubs and groups . We have five groups and 25 clubs, like jazz, drama, chorus, dance, marimba (Guatemala’s national instrument), volleyball, soccer, chess, gaming, yoga, basketball, debate, astronomy, volunteering, and more.

A big part of our student life experience also includes participation in student associations which promotes leadership competencies. In addition, UVG promotes involvement in teams of volunteering and social impact projects and activities through specialized offices in areas like technology transfer, entrepreneurship, and research. 

Through the internationalization office , UVG promotes academic exchanges in renowned institutions in North and South America and Europe for students, professors, and researchers, as well as internships, mobility, and postgraduate scholarships abroad. The office is also in charge of follow-up on academic cooperation agreements with international institutions and organizations.

To accompany students, our Student Wellness Unit is in charge of helping students to learn skills and improve their academic performance, discover their strengths, solve personal issues, or improve their interpersonal relationships through counseling, workshops, and support groups.

The unit also integrates various programs, like the First Year Success Program , which is responsible for the immersion process of first-year students. Its mission is to facilitate the transition from high school to university. 

Another important program of our Student Wellness Unit helps students from rural areas transition to the Main Campus in Guatemala City . They may have more challenges adapting to the university because they must get used to a new environment, away from their family and social circle. Our goal is to identify and support them in their adaptation process. The program is coordinated by a counselor and led by senior students who act as group leaders.

Visit our news page Actualidad UVG to keep up with campus life and student projects.

UVG offers various degrees in Engineering, Sciences, Education, Creativity, and Business.

UVG’s main campus has five faculties and three schools:



Tuition fee and scholarships

One of the important factors when considering a master's degree is the cost of study. Luckily, there are many options available to help students fund their master's programme. Download your copy of the Scholarship Guide to find out which scholarships from around the world could be available to you, and how to apply for them.

In this guide you will find:

Where to look for scholarship opportunities


How to apply to scholarships relevant to you


A list of available scholarships around the world


A scholarship application checklist

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Rankings & ratings

Universidad del Valle de Guatemala (UVG) is one of the top private universities in Solola, Guatemala. It is ranked #30 in Latin America and the Caribbean Rankings - Central America 2024.

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You can start your admission process to UVG online at www.uvg.edu.gt/admisiones/aplica-nuestros-programas . The first step is to fill out an application form and take the Academic Aptitude Test (PAA) online. You can solve your doubts by writing to [email protected] .
To learn more about our undergraduate programs, visit www.uvg.edu.gt/academico/carreras or fill out the form at www.uvg.edu.gt/inscribete . For graduate programs, visit www.uvg.edu.gt/academico/masters or fill out the form www.uvg.edu.gt/infomasters . You can also resolve your questions by emailing [email protected] .
To learn more about our exchange opportunities at UVG, visit www.uvg.edu.gt/vida-estudiantil/relaciones-internacionales-ingles , email [email protected] or call (502) 2507-1500.
Upon admission, students can apply for various scholarships and financial aid options based on specific majors or financial needs. To learn more about the process, visit www.uvg.edu.gt/admisiones/ayuda-financiera or email [email protected] .
To learn more about how you can contribute to the UVG scholarship program, visit www.usfuvg.org or contact the US Foundation of the University of the Valley of Guatemala at www.usfuvg.org/contact .
Universidad del Valle de Guatemala (UVG) advanced Private High 10 yes 97 S 2669