QS Guides | Top Universities

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QS Guides

Need help choosing a university, applying to grad school or planningyour graduate career? Get free advice with QS's Student Guides.

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QS Asia University Rankings 2019 Supplement

Featuring the top universities from Asia, the QS Asia University Rankings provide a fascinating insight into how the region's top universities compare against each other.

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BRICS Rankings Supplement

Featuring the top universities from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, the BRICS Rankings provides a vital snapshot of how the five BRICS nations compare against each other.

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Top 10 student cities: Everything you need to know

Choosing where you want to study abroad is a big decision. This e-book compares some of the world's top cities to study in and can help you decide which city would be the best fit for you.

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The Global Skills Gap in the 21st Century

This report examines the relationship between graduate skills and employer expectations in today’s ever-changing labour market. Why has a rift developed between these two things, and how can we overcome this skills gap in the future? Download this guide to learn which skills are valued by employers around the world and why graduates are failing to meet their expectations.

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QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2019 Supplement

Featuring nearly 500 of the world’s top universities, the QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2019 provides unique insights into how successfully today's institutions are preparing their students for the working world. Download this guide to learn more about how each featured university performed for the five assessed categories: employer reputation, alumni outcomes, industry partnerships, student-employer connections, and employment rates.

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How to Study Abroad in New Zealand

Thinking of studying in New Zealand? Get prepared with our complete guide!

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How to Study Abroad in France

Keen to study in France? Find out all you need to know with our complete guide!

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