B.A. Degree in Comparative Literature 48 months Undergraduate Program By Fordham University |Top Universities

B.A. Degree in Comparative Literature

Program Duration

48 monthsProgram duration

Main Subject Area

Modern LanguagesMain Subject Area

Program overview

Main Subject

Modern Languages



Study Level


Comparative Literature explores literatures and cultures across times, languages and media. As a comparative literature major at Fordham, you will join a vibrant community of international faculty and students with interests in literature, art and music, film and media, technology and the sciences, history, philosophy and theology. You will gain rigorous training in reading, writing, speaking, and thinking critically in multiple languages and literary traditions. You will learn the tools of more than one discipline, which will enable you to reflect upon differences and commonalities, and conflicts and exchanges among cultures throughout the world. Consider investigating the interactions of two or more Western or non-Western traditions; the literary and cultural expressions of Diaspora communities and questions of identity and diversity; the connections between literature and other modes of understanding nature, reality and human experiences, or between literature and other modes of human communication; the interactions between verbal expressions and non-verbal experiences; or the interconnectedness among different modes of critical thinking on art, literature, nature and society. As a comparative literature major, you will take nine courses relevant to your interests and area of investigation, write a senior thesis, and participate in the senior project roundtable. With an advanced mastery in one or more classical and modern foreign languages, literatures and cultures, and an intense training in critical thinking, effective written expression, and research, you will be well prepared to work in law, international relations, publishing, journalism, teaching, and business, or to continue your education and earn an advanced degree in Comparative Literature, English, classical languages and civilizations, or modern foreign languages and literatures. Recent graduates of our program have received Fulbright Teaching Fellowships in Malaysia and Vietnam. Some have pursued individual artistic careers, and careers in non-profit organizations or in the financial sector.

Program overview

Main Subject

Modern Languages



Study Level


Comparative Literature explores literatures and cultures across times, languages and media. As a comparative literature major at Fordham, you will join a vibrant community of international faculty and students with interests in literature, art and music, film and media, technology and the sciences, history, philosophy and theology. You will gain rigorous training in reading, writing, speaking, and thinking critically in multiple languages and literary traditions. You will learn the tools of more than one discipline, which will enable you to reflect upon differences and commonalities, and conflicts and exchanges among cultures throughout the world. Consider investigating the interactions of two or more Western or non-Western traditions; the literary and cultural expressions of Diaspora communities and questions of identity and diversity; the connections between literature and other modes of understanding nature, reality and human experiences, or between literature and other modes of human communication; the interactions between verbal expressions and non-verbal experiences; or the interconnectedness among different modes of critical thinking on art, literature, nature and society. As a comparative literature major, you will take nine courses relevant to your interests and area of investigation, write a senior thesis, and participate in the senior project roundtable. With an advanced mastery in one or more classical and modern foreign languages, literatures and cultures, and an intense training in critical thinking, effective written expression, and research, you will be well prepared to work in law, international relations, publishing, journalism, teaching, and business, or to continue your education and earn an advanced degree in Comparative Literature, English, classical languages and civilizations, or modern foreign languages and literatures. Recent graduates of our program have received Fulbright Teaching Fellowships in Malaysia and Vietnam. Some have pursued individual artistic careers, and careers in non-profit organizations or in the financial sector.

Admission requirements



Tuition fee and scholarships

One of the important factors when considering a master's degree is the cost of study. Luckily, there are many options available to help students fund their master's programme. Download your copy of the Scholarship Guide to find out which scholarships from around the world could be available to you, and how to apply for them.

In this guide you will find:

Where to look for scholarship opportunities


How to apply to scholarships relevant to you


A list of available scholarships around the world


A scholarship application checklist

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Undergrad programs