B.A. Degree in Sociology 48 months Undergraduate Program By Fordham University |Top Universities

B.A. Degree in Sociology

Program Duration

48 monthsProgram duration

Main Subject Area

SociologyMain Subject Area

Program overview

Main Subject




Study Level


Aristotle called us “social animals.” And he was right. We humans are defined by our connections to (and reliance on) each other. As sociology major at Fordham, you’ll study group life-the complex social and cultural world that shapes human experience, from the dynamic of two strangers passing on a city street to current trends in globalization. Sociology combines scientific and humanistic approaches to study the diversity of social relationships in our modern world. You’ll study urban and rural life; family patterns and relationships; social change and movements; inter-group relations; social class, environment, culture, and communications; and community responses to disasters-both natural and created. Through the careful analysis and evaluation of social phenomena, you’ll develop excellent critical thinking and research skills that will prepare you for graduate school or the professional world. We believe sociology can improve the quality of people’s lives by promoting awareness of the inequalities-race, class, gender, religion, citizenship, sexuality-so common across the globe. Sociological knowledge can make a difference in homes, communities, and countries. You’ll learn more than sociology here. You’ll also study philosophy, theology, history, mathematics, languages, science, and the performing arts through Fordham’s common core curriculum, the centerpiece of our liberal arts education. Sociology prepares you for a wide variety of careers that hinge on an understanding of group dynamics. In many professional schools, courses in sociology are part of the required training. You’ll graduate ready to pursue a career or graduate school in: social research criminology demography social psychology counseling mental health services It’s also highly relevant for: social work law enforcement public administration gerontology education rehabilitation social work market research environmental policy And it provides a useful background for those planning to enter: law business medicine international affairs community planning architecture politics communications human resources

Program overview

Main Subject




Study Level


Aristotle called us “social animals.” And he was right. We humans are defined by our connections to (and reliance on) each other. As sociology major at Fordham, you’ll study group life-the complex social and cultural world that shapes human experience, from the dynamic of two strangers passing on a city street to current trends in globalization. Sociology combines scientific and humanistic approaches to study the diversity of social relationships in our modern world. You’ll study urban and rural life; family patterns and relationships; social change and movements; inter-group relations; social class, environment, culture, and communications; and community responses to disasters-both natural and created. Through the careful analysis and evaluation of social phenomena, you’ll develop excellent critical thinking and research skills that will prepare you for graduate school or the professional world. We believe sociology can improve the quality of people’s lives by promoting awareness of the inequalities-race, class, gender, religion, citizenship, sexuality-so common across the globe. Sociological knowledge can make a difference in homes, communities, and countries. You’ll learn more than sociology here. You’ll also study philosophy, theology, history, mathematics, languages, science, and the performing arts through Fordham’s common core curriculum, the centerpiece of our liberal arts education. Sociology prepares you for a wide variety of careers that hinge on an understanding of group dynamics. In many professional schools, courses in sociology are part of the required training. You’ll graduate ready to pursue a career or graduate school in: social research criminology demography social psychology counseling mental health services It’s also highly relevant for: social work law enforcement public administration gerontology education rehabilitation social work market research environmental policy And it provides a useful background for those planning to enter: law business medicine international affairs community planning architecture politics communications human resources

Admission requirements



Tuition fee and scholarships

One of the important factors when considering a master's degree is the cost of study. Luckily, there are many options available to help students fund their master's programme. Download your copy of the Scholarship Guide to find out which scholarships from around the world could be available to you, and how to apply for them.

In this guide you will find:

Where to look for scholarship opportunities


How to apply to scholarships relevant to you


A list of available scholarships around the world


A scholarship application checklist

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Student housing is guaranteed for four years for students at both Rose Hill and Lincoln Center; housing options include dorm-style single, double, and triple rooms, as well as apartments and suites.


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Learn where you live. Live where you learn.

New York is your campus. Fordham is your school. Our residence halls are your home. The sense of community that shapes so much of your college experience starts from the moment you move in, meet your roommates for the first time, and figure out where to put your family photos.

Student housing is guaranteed for four years for students at both Rose Hill and Lincoln Center; housing options include dorm-style single, double, and triple rooms, as well as apartments and suites.

Undergrad programs